Sustainably & Responsibly Sourced Eco-friendly Jewelry

We offer high quality Andean inspired bespoke, handmade jewelry and accessories made from natural materials by indigenous Quechua artisans.

Birú Pacha

Birú Pacha is a micro business dedicated to empowering indigenous artisans, including Bacilio Sairitupac, Fortunata Huaman, and Luz Merissa Vargas. We are committed to provide unique handmade eco-friendly pieces.

In Quechua, native Andean language, “Biru” is a pre-Hispanic variant of spelling for Peru. “Pacha” is a concept of time, space, place, and the spheres of the cosmos at this moment.

Birú Pacha is the timeless essence of the past that continues to remain with us in the present.

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